Estrada Nacional 222 from Peso da Régua to Pinhão

The N222 road between Peso da Régua and Pinhão was considered the best road in the world to drive according to the Avis Driving Index. Come to check out and test the EN 222 on your next trip to Pinhão and visit The Vintage House Douro hotel, where we wait for you with arms wide open.

The Avis Driving Index formula was applied to 26 referenced roads as the best ones in the world to drive on and the result reveals the Portuguese road N222 as the Best World Driving Road. To obtain the formula that allows the calculation, Avis recruited a team consisting of a quantum physicist, an F1 track designer, high performance cars as well as an acknowledged european designer of radical routes.

The N222 enables drivers to enjoy the right balance between tight corners and long straights. Driving on the road between Peso da Régua and Pinhão generates an exciting and diversified experience, leading the driver to test his driving skills and, simultaneously, the car performance while enjoying a unique landscape (Avis Portugal).

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Phone: (+351) 254 855 103
Mobile: (+351) 919 963 051
GPS: N 41.098283, W 7.655325

Largo do Marradoiro, nº12    5110-051 Aricera